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Nourishing Source was first formed in early 2011 with eleven families organised as a co-op to ensure access to organic, ethical and earth friendly food for their young families. The group has since undergone several changes until finding its sustainable feet, and is now structured to better ensure its long-term commitments. We are proud to be well established as Lower North Shore's Organic Buyers Group (Sydney).


Our members consist of like-minded people from all walks of life who care about the food we eat, the health of our families, and the sustainability of our planet. Together we buy high quality organic foods and natural health products at wholesale and bulk prices – straight from our farmers and/or wholesale agents.


We now consider ourselves a ‘friends - of – friends’ member based buyers group. All our members share responsibilities to ensure minimum orders are met, come up with product suggestions, support each other with communication and other problems/ recommendations/ problem solving etc. where needed. We also rely on our members volunteering their time to help with splits, or - for those unavailable -  to initiate other ways of contributing  their time towards sustaining our group at other hours.


While all members are expected to contribute towards the sustainability of the group, we have one director that makes it all happen. She has passionately participated in the establishment and development of Nourishing Source since the very beginning. She provides an extra service to facilitate for the significant amout of logistics required to coordinate the group and our purchases.


Without our food conscious members and encouraging community, Nourishing Source would not exist. We are very grateful for our group and for being able to participate in a more sustainable and affordable food chain. We look forward to inviting new families that share our values on our journey.

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